New Pets Workshop - Improvement 23/03/2024

Summary of the New Pets Workshop! !

On Saturday 23 March, we organised a special New Pets workshop in collaboration with Préscillia Czichosz, who has made wew pets' grooming her speciality.

During the workshop, Préscillia gave a very gentle and sympathetic demonstration of the right gestures to adopt when caring for new pets during grooming.

Memorable moments of the day:

Theory: Préscillia a démarré la journée par une partie théorique en enseignant les bases des soins aux NACs, puis en éclairant les participants de ses connaissances sur des sujets tels que les différentes races, les zones d’hygiène, les problèmes de peau, les techniques de toilettage, ainsi que la mue et les problèmes qu’elle peut engendrer. Cette partie théorique a permis aux participants d’approfondir leurs connaissances des NACs pour leur apporter des soins appropriés.

Practical application: The afternoon was devoted to the practical part of the workshop. Participants were able to apply Préscillia's advice to their own models, while benefiting from her tips and tricks.

Sharing moments: It was a day of learning and fun. Préscillia taught her in-depth knowledge of New Pets with great enthusiasm.

Stay tuned for more workshops, seminars, and exciting opportunities at Diamex Master Groomer. Thank you for joining us! 🐩📚

Diamex Master Groomer

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